Scott Carles
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Scott Carles

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 26 Jun 2016 | 5,265 contributions | 1,255 thank-yous | 564 connections
Scott Carles
Born 1960s.
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Profile last modified | Created 26 Jun 2016
This page has been accessed 1,901 times.

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Comments: 8

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Hi Scott, it's been 17 days since I asked if you're still interested in the PGM Project. I apologize if I've missed a response from you, but I'll assume if I haven't heard from you in the next seven days that your interest in the project has changed, and I'll remove your badge. I'd appreciate hearing from you. Thank you.


posted by S (Hill) Willson
Sharon, thanks for reaching out. I'm still bogged down with a lot of non-genealogy things right now, but I'm hoping to be back in the saddle by next summer. If you could keep me on the project list, that would be great. Thanks!
posted by Scott Carles
Thanks, Scott. We are happy to have you stay a PGM member.


posted by S (Hill) Willson
Hi Scott,

Thanks for your contributions to Puritan Great Migration (PGM) project profiles.

Like all WikiTree projects we check in with team members periodically to find out about their continued interest in the project. Would you please respond by February 12, 2024, to let us know about your interest:

1. Would you like to continue as a PGM project team member?;

2. Do you have any suggestions for PGM Project priorities in the next year (optional)?;

3. Do you have interest in taking a more active role within the PGM project, and if so, what you might be interested in doing (optional)?

Please respond to this comment on your profile, or if you'd like, send a private message to either Bobbie (Madison) Hall or S (Hill) Willson.

Thanks for all you do for PGM and WikiTree!


Bobbie and Sharon, Co-Leaders, Puritan Great Migration Project

posted by S (Hill) Willson
Hi Scott

Would you like me to add you as a profile manager of John Leigh (abt.1613-1671)?

Sure, Maryann, that would be great. Thank you!
posted by Scott Carles
Great comments re burden of proof on Thank you.
posted by Anne B
Hi Scott! (even though you are brand new you get the same check-in message as everyone else, it's an administrative thing).

Thanks for contributing to Puritan Great Migration profiles over the last six months. Every little bit helps, so please keep those edits coming!

Like all WikiTree projects we check in with team members twice per year and it's that time again. Please respond within the next two weeks to let me know:

  1. If you'd like to continue as a PGM project team member
  2. If you're happy with the team you're on (Research and/or Profile Improvement) or if you'd like to make a change
  3. Optionally, what you like since the reboot back in May or what you think could be improved. This could be something about Discord, or Google Groups, or managed profile spreadsheets, or challenge participation or really anything. If you like everything the way it is, you can let me know that too :)

If you'd like to tell me about a particular project or family you're working on, I'd love to hear about that as well.

Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks!

Brad Stauf, PGM membership coordinator

posted by Brad Stauf

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