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Top Surname Contributions for Laurie (Snook) Hughes UE

Here are the top surnames (up to 10) to which Laurie (Snook) Hughes UE contributed during June 2024. Click a number in the table below to see which profiles were edited. Click this icon list icon to see all the top contributors to the surname. See also: Top Surnames for June 2024. [more information]

June 2024

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Surname Profiles Edited
JAMISON list icon #5 contributor 2
DECKER list icon #9 contributor 2
DAVIS list icon 1
PENMAN list icon #4 contributor 1
FINDLEY list icon #5 contributor 1
GYLES list icon #2 contributor 1
MOUGHLER list icon #1 contributor 1
SCHNUCK list icon #1 contributor 1

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S  >  Snook  |  H  >  Hughes  >  Laurie (Snook) Hughes UE