Question about Sancho Garcés (Pamplona) de Navarra

+1 vote
Hello. I would like to know whether Vela Sanchez "el Infante" de Aragon, also known as "Velasgutto de Ayala", "primer senor de Ayala", born in the XI century, was indeed a (natural - not legitimate) grandson of Sancho Garces III of Pamplona/Navarre (c. 994 - 1035).

I am asking this because I am a descendant of "Vela Sanchez - Velasgutto de Ayala" and I would like to know whether I am a descendant of Sancho Garces III of Pampola/Navarre as well.

Are there existing DNA studies at this respect?

Thank you very much for your attention.
WikiTree profile: Sancho III de Navarra
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