"Welcome to the Weekend Chat" All Members are Invited!! 6 July-8 July 2018 [closed]

+18 votes

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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot, and enjoy the multitude of topics.

Weekend Chat 30 June - 2 July 2017

Enjoy yourself and spread goodwill :)

WikiTree profile: Mindy Silva
closed with the note: Completed chat.
in The Tree House by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
closed by Dorothy Barry

OMG Chris I just caught that comment image

I'm so glad that you are better now!

Wow - chat is hopping this weekend! I had to wait too long for my exciting announcement though, it's sitting back on the third page lol. Make sure you guys read through all of the great posts for this wonderful Weekend Chat!
Hi, I am Martha Beaugh-15   Leger - am interested  in joining with other members as I have a lot to learn  so help me please to join in

Hi Martha - welcome to the Weekend Chat! This is a great way to meet others on WikiTree, see what people are working on, and relax a little from our genealogy research and just have fun!

To say hi, and let others know how you are doing, what your weather is like, or what research you are focusing on simply click on the 'Answer' button under this main heading.

Type something in you want to talk about, and then click 'Add answer.' I hope you join chat often!

do I get to chat  or is it over for this wek end ??

Nope. It's still going. You can chat until Monday morning! Or until Mindy gets sick and tired of us cluttering her inbox. =)
lol, thank you Chris! Just follow the directions I posted with the picture Martha. We'd love for you to introduce yourself!

Thanks Mindy for hosting the WikiTree weekend chat. Also good to here from our newest WikiTree weekend chatter Mary G.

heart Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.angel

Hi Martha sorry been outside cooler day Welcome. My first weekend chat. It was fun . Well folks it was fun and I  am sure we will stay in contact while searching our roots.


I am still learning how to do things. I love that tag. thanks will look into them heart

44 Answers

+17 votes
Thanks, Mindy, for hosting the Weekend Chat!

Just got home from work and the heat and humidity are killing me (I work at a plant nursery). Just enough rain to keep me from mowing the foot-high grass. Anybody got a bush hog I can borrow?

The lilies are blooming beautifully in our little garden. And as a nursery employee, I get 30% off plants I want. So, more planting this weekend. Talk about bringing work home!

Found out this week that the cemetery where, among other kin, my great-grandfather is buried, is closed due to damage by a falling tree. I’m pretty sure his gravestone is ok from what I can see of the tree (from a pic).  My brother takes care of that stone, so he’s keeping me posted.

Story about this cemetery. The Robin S. McGee Cemetery (Mecklenburg County, NC) was established for McGee descendants only. My g-grandfather, Jacob Sidney Underwood, dug several of the graves there. For this reason, he was allowed to be buried there (his sister had married into that family, so there was that connection). He also built a little wooden fence for a child’s grave. It’s over 100 years old and still standing... barely. When his son, my great-uncle Matthew David Underwood died, my grandfather buried him there. The McGees were out of town and didn’t know about it until they got back. Fait accompli.

I hope all my fellow WikiTreers have a wonderful weekend! My brother is coming up tomorrow, so I’ll sure be!
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Thanks Pip! No bush hog lol. Have a riding law mower, tractor size, but you might be a little far away for it to help you.

Oh goodness, I'd be in trouble! We'd have to make more flowerbeds... I certainly hope that tombstone is ok! We had the same thing happen where grandma and grandpa are buried. A stone nearby was broken, and the church was going to find someone to fix it.

Great story about the burials! Welcome to the weekend chat. Enjoy the time with your brother!
Enjoy your weekend Pip..... and dream about buffalo grass.
Buffalo grass? Oh boy, do I wish I had a yard full of that, all three acres!
Keeping really old cemeteries in good repair is a growing problem in the USA.  Many of these have gone out of business and there is no money or no living relatives in the area to keep it going.  Sometimes communities step in but all too often they just keep deteriorating.   Not sure what the answer to this is.

We have a group locally that is working on repairing and restoring an old cemetery. It is an amazing task that they have taken on! Mom and I see so many stones in the outlying cemeteries though that are in such disrepair we are too late to preserve the information. Those make me sad. We found one 'out in the hills' where a number of them had broken, and someone had taken all the pieces and simply put them in a pile off to the side. It made me want to cry! crying

Mindy, I’ve seen this too many times, and every time I do it makes me incredibly sad. Especially the old stones. Who is alive to remember where they should be? Really terribly sad.

My mother family has a family cemetery called Leonard Cemetery and I have a  free space page and here it is: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Leonard_Family_Cemetery the people families that are buried in here collect money and have account in with a bank in Johnson City, Tennessee that they use the money every summer and pay someone to mow and keep it up for us. When all of them die they want me and my siblings to take over doing the same thing to take care of it then when we all die they want Johnson City to take over the cemetery. Our Leonard Cemetery started in the 1770's.

Ditto to what everyone said here.

heart Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.angel

+13 votes
Well, this is unfortunate:


Rest in peace, Steve Ditko. =(

Spider-Man: Far From Home (Next Spidey MCU movie) will most likely be dedicated to him. As will any Doctor Strange appearance. Dude was awesome.
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (797k points)
RIP Steven Ditko
I just saw an article on him and was going to send it to you but realized you had already posted about it.  I know Spider Man is one of your favorites.
Thanks. I think I am gonna make a tree for him in a bit.  Geni has one. Might use that for a point of reference.


heart Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.angel

+16 votes
Ah Susanna!

She had her first child in 1819 and the last of 14 children in 1849. Other than a two year break after her first husband died, she was pregnant for 30 years.

If that isn’t enough, she cared for her crippled father-in-law for 6 years starting when her youngest was only five.

I am working on creating profiles for all her children.
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (619k points)
The poor woman!
30 years of pregnancies ... OMGoodness !!!
These days that lady would have a reality show on TLC.
Yes, she would have been Chris
Did all 14 survive childhood?  Many families had a number of children but also the array of childhood diseases took their toll. It was hard for women in our past because many of them died in childbirth or lost children due to wars, famine, disease or other disasters.

All 14 survived, as did her (7 or more)  stepchildren. Two of her sons and a son-in-law died in the Civil War, another two were missing and thought dead, but came home at the end of the war. I’m still working on the profiles 


Pretty amazing.

That is amazing! Such a tragic death though sad. Thank you for sharing that profile with us! You're doing a great job on it!

Wow. That is.....that is tragic.

Ditto to what everyone said on this chat.

heart Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.angel

+17 votes

I've never usually been free to join a weekend chat, but I finally have time! As I believe Laura pointed out, it's quite cold in the southern hemisphere, which means I'm going to be waking up to a frosty birthday in a couple of weeks time.

Am I the only one who vigorously wants to clear the 'recommended list' on FamilySearch? Not only have I discovered so many duplicates it hurts my brain, but it's also great for providing resources for people who may or may not be listed on WikiTree. 

by Amelia Utting G2G6 Pilot (212k points)
I'm glad you were able to join us! Happy almost birthday. Bummer it will be cold though. I haven't worked off of FamilySearch but I love their records.
Thank you! I'm popping out to buy a new phone later today, but hopefully I'll be able to pop in throughout the weekend! I've been on WikiTree for over two years this year, yet I somehow still feel a bit on the fringes because I don't talk to people very often, so maybe this will help me get to know others a bit more!

The weekend chat is definitely a great way to do that! smiley

Welcome to the chat!

Welcome to the Weekend Chat community, Amy! Wish it was cooler here the 100 F degree days are a killer here. Happy Early Birthday, Amy.

Could not find a cake but here are some cookies and a pie for your birthday.


Hi Amy glad you could join us on the Weekend Chat!   Where are you in the Southern Hemisphere?  I have relatives in Australia and New Zealand.  

One of them is a family history center volunteer.  She might have some ideas of how to tackle the duplicates.
Haha thank you for the treats, David! Very much appreciated . I'm in New Zealand, Laura! Very tiny, pretty cold, all-round awesome :)
Beautiful country with a lot of diverse ecosystems for such as you say small place.
I spend a lot of time on Family Search too. Usually I am trying to connect people and search for sources. I end up doing a lot of work putting their hints onto their people. I then put sources onto Wikitree. They keep trying to get me to add my tree, but it is on Wikitree!

heart Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.angel

+15 votes

Happy weekend all and thank you Mindy for hosting the weekend chat.

I am slowly working on my French Canadian side of the tree and am really looking forward to completing that (is that possible?) so that I can start on my husbands side; Pennsylvania Dutch.  In all this time that I have been here I have not looked to see if any of his relations have been entered yet.  And that may be because I did not want too many rabbit holes all at once.  French Canadians is sufficient for now. 

Happy hot days to all - I love the heat, it takes my all summer to thaw from winter.

by Nicole Boorse G2G6 Pilot (898k points)
Um.....(we need a 'thinking' emoticon)... That would be a 'No' though. They're never done. But they can get to the point on some lines where you feel comfortable letting them 'rest' a bit while you move over to another section. Hopefully you find wonderful things once you start on your husbands side!
With any luck you'll be bumping into me and Danielle Laird on the Quebecois side. Welcome to the weekend chat!
Nicole I also have not begun to enter my husband's side yet.  Sigh, so much to do and so little time to do it?
Chris: we are 7th cousins once removed with Augustin Ouellet our common 7th for you and 6th for me great grand-father.  And Danielle and i are also 7th cousins once removed with Charles Fiset as common 6th for Danielle and 7th for me great grand father.  I've been checking "relationship to me" this weekend.
That is one of Wikitree's coolest features. =D

Did you check my id Nicole? Chris and I are cousins smiley

Hi Mindy: I checked to 30 generations and no we are not related.... yet

I still have people to add to WikiTree on my mom's side, so there's hope yet! smiley

Well, we'll save ya a place next to uncle Rocco. =)

Chances are if you have Quebecois roots, we're probably related somehow.

heart Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.angel

+16 votes
Greetings from Everett, Washington.  It's warm and sunny.

Added a couple of profiles.  Topliff Olin Paine is a notable [Paine-2536] for whom Paine Field is named here in South Snohomish County. Not a relative but he needs a little love.

Sgt. William Jennings Arnett was in the D-Day invasion of Normandy.  I posted a link to an audio interview with his niece. [Arnett-1147]

I took a break to work on my mother's side.  I started entering the Gajafsky family who were immigrants to Wisconsin.  Anton is Gajafsky-1.  By the time I got to Gajafsky-7 I found a fourth cousin who was murdered in 2003 and the case apparently has never been solved.

It gave me pause.  I reflect that by uncovering and connecting people we are helping them out of the darkness.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (335k points)
Wow that is an interesting find!  So sorry for your family's loss, albeit belatedly!
Wow Margaret - that is kind of profound
I make an extra effort to "connect"  children or someone who wouldn't have descendant's looking for them.   Even if it doesn't comfort THEM,  somehow it gives me hope we're less likely to forget the great losses our ancestors suffered.
Thank you Margaret for honoring them this way
+15 votes


"Today is...."

National Hop-a-Park Day First Saturday in July

The first Saturday in July is set aside for National Hop-a-Park Day.  Celebrating the nice weather and a holiday week, Hop-a-Park Day encourages us to enjoy the public parks, green spaces and outdoors as much as possible.  Get away from the technology, televisions and the tablet and take a stroll or throw a frisbee around.  Parks are centerpieces of our communities making it possible for many who don’t have a yard to enjoy time in some outdoor space.  


Spend a day getting away from the TV, video games, computer screens and more. Let your children enjoy the outdoors and get a few fitness points too as they celebrate Hop A Park Day with you.

Parents and grandparents: Here are eight suggestions for keeping your children smiling and having fun while spending the day outside at your local park.

  • 1. Tag: Tag is a favorite game of many children. The rules are simple: One person is “It" and he or she chases the other kids. Once he tags another individual, that person is “It.” This game is also a favorite for many parents as it releases much energy that the children store up and provides excellent fitness points.

  • 2. Hot Lava: Hot Lava is a game that uses much imagination and playground equipment. The rules of this game are also easy to understand. Simply get from one end of the playground to the other without touching the ground. The ground is hot lava. If touched, you burn. This game is a fun way for children to utilize the playground and let their imagination soar.

  • 3. Frisbee: This activity is ideal for older children. If your local park has a large open field, take your children and a Frisbee and let them have a good time. If you can gather enough individuals, play a game of ultimate Frisbee, or just throw the Frisbee back and forth to each other.

  • 4. Swings: Spend time on the swings. Push your children on the swings and watch the smiles on their faces. Plus, it is excellent fitness points for you.

  • 5. Red Rover: Red Rover is a favorite childhood game, but it requires a large area for running. Gather your neighborhood kids and begin a large game. The children will enjoy playing with one another, running and spending time outside. Plus, by inviting other neighborhood kids, it is a great way for you to meet and get to know other parents in the neighborhood.

  • 6. Duck, Duck, Goose: Duck, Duck, Goose is another outdoor game that requires plenty of room for running. Find an open area and spend time playing this favorite childhood game. Once again, you can gather the neighborhood kids together and enjoy spending time getting to know the other neighborhood parents

  • Fly Kites: Flying kits is an activity that is ideal for older children. The downside to this activity is the weather conditions need to be just right for the kite to fly. But if you are lucky enough for perfect weather, it is a fun and worthwhile activity that amazes children.

  • 8. Jump rope: Jump rope is an activity that is hard to do indoors. It requires an ample amount of room to jump without hitting something or someone. Take a few jump ropes to the park and let your children jump. This is an excellent exercise for your children. If they participate for an extended period of time, you can be assured they will have a good night’s sleep.




by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
edited by Dorothy Barry
Thank you Dorothy! Ah... the memories that brings back! Not only with my own children, but when I was a child playing on the playground or in a park. The only game I don't recognize is Hot Lava. I'll have to try that one out with the grandkids!
OMGoodness - we are related: 8th cousins twice removed with Pierre Dondonneau as common great grandfather - 7th great grandfather to Dorothy and 9th to me.  Now - that is cool!
Wow. that is interesting, is your 9th great grandfather from Canada or France???
Pierre Dandonneau is from France he came to Nouvelle France before he died, his daughters are our connection - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Dandonneau-39

Which daughter?? I only recently found out I was connected to the Baril family from Canada. Are they connected to them?? 

Peter Barry aka Baril Born 19 Sep 1862 in L'Avenir, Bas-Canada. Son of François (Baril) Barry and Marguerite (Verrier) Barry. 

I tried doing our connection tree but since you have your privacy settings the way they are, it won't show me. 

Dorothy you find some of the most fun and interesting things to post!  Great job!  Hope your plumbing problem is solved.  I missed that somehow in my first read of the chat this weekend.
Yeah Laura, when it rains it pours... lol.

Last week it was the "water heater", this week the "bathroom plumping". They replaced the pipes but put a hole in my ceiling in order to do that since it was coming from upstairs. So now the ceiling needs replacing and painted lol. But., glad the water didn't move into the bedroom or on the carpet.
Yikes!  Will they fix the ceiling or do you need to do that?  Wow, that is no fun!  Stay away from water!

I know what you mean Dorothy. Ditto to what everyone said here.

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+14 votes

Staying with the current theme of ₕₒₜ ʜᴏᴛ  HOT I thought I'd add a recipe with some heat but also a little sweetness. One of my daughters found this years ago and I love it!

Grilled Maple Chipotle Pork Chops:

6 thick Pork Chops

1/2 cup BBQ Sauce (not honey or a sweet kind)

1/2 Maple Syrup (I prefer real maple syrup for this)

2 Chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, seeded and minced

1 ts adobo sauce from the can

Preheat the grill or turn your broiler on low. Whisk together everything but the pork chops, set sauce aside. Grill the pork (sprinkle with a little salt and pepper if desired) over medium-high heat for about 20 minutes, turning once. Baste with the sauce the last 5 minutes of cooking. Serve the chops with the remaining sauce drizzled over it. 

As Melanie gave me the recipe it actually has measurements laugh

I'm known in my family for just having a list of ingredients and saying a 'pinch of this' or a 'little in your palm' of that lol. One of the old family favorites is on an index card with a list of ingredients and no instructions. When she married and moved out she made me cook some of the recipes up, and she would stop and take my 'little handful of that' from me and measure it. And write it down. At least she will be preserving this part of our family history ;)  I stick to the research of family records.

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
Ah ha Mindy you cook like me. I almost never actually measure anything when cooking but I have had people drive for over 500 miles to eat my chili, honest.
I am a tinker cook as my Dad would say.   You find a recipe that sounds great and make it your own by adding or subtracting something and I can't remember the last time I actually used measuring devices to really cook with...  maybe baking a cake...  but I add spices by "feel".

When I blended spices for the business it was a different matter... everything was weighed down to the gram so the recipes for the spice blends were all consistent... but how I put them into food was more by eyeballing ...  works for me...
Hey Laura - how about a recommendation on the paprika? We use (or should I say now, used to use) Hungarian paprika, a mix of regular and hot, for a German Goulash recipe mom brought back years ago when dad was stationed there. What is a good brand to use?
I used to buy it in large bulk from a distributor.  Not retail.  Then I sold it retail.   I need to research retailers because I don't know who has salmonella recall issues ...avoid them they are clearly not doing up front microbial analysis...the FDA had put out a study on spice contamination and some of the well known retailers were having a lot of recalls.  We never had any...I will call my prior vendors and see who they sell to if they will tell me.  I have enough of my stock for this year and have it on my list to research current retailers.  To buy from my vendors you need to be tax exempt resale and buy in poundage or tonnage.  I sold around 20 pounds of what I had left this year either as bulk or in final custom blends I did for my clients.  But definitely I won't buy spices from grocery stores or any company with biohazard recalls.  You can check recalls by querying the company name and recall.
You might find this of interest  http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2018/02/fda-updates-spice-risk-profile/#.W0J_AdJKhPY


Steam heat is one process used to kill biopathogens.  So is exposure to low level radiation that degrades quickly with no residual radiation remaining.  If you are cooking with spice boiling kills most of the pathogens.  It is when you use it in cold  foods like deviled eggs that a problem can arise.  However, typically you are ingesting such a small amount it really does not pose much of a health hazard.  We had microbial analysis done before we bought the spice to make sure what we used met or was better than FDA requirements or USDA requirements.  Not all companies do this.  We did because we wanted to eliminate possible issues rather than react to issues.  So our HACCP (that is a document that identifies possible hazards and how you will deal with issues if they arise) was based on being proactive rather than reactive.  

There are large spice distributors who have the microbial analysis as part of their service and we would work with them rather than the companies who did not.   

The number of recalls tells a huge story in terms of retail marketing.  If there is a spice company you want to use just query to see if they have had recalls.  

There are a lot of good, honest, safe spice companies out there.  I don't know them all.
+16 votes
Hello all... thankful that the heatwave has finally lifted in here in Massachusetts.  I'm taking a break from research this weekend as we prepare for a tailgate party before seeing Steely Dan and Dooby Brothers later tonight!  That means that Mindy will also get a break!  :)))
by Kim Hunkeler G2G2 (2.5k points)
Hello Kim and welcome to the Weekend Chat! I bet you'll have a blast watching Steely Dan. I wish I was closer so that we can do some of these things together. For the rest of you that don't know, Kim is one of the awesome cousins I have found through dna and now collaborate with on WikiTree. I'm her 'go-to' person for translations, so that means no emails with document links today lol. I honestly enjoy it, and get just as excited when she breaks through a brick wall as if the ancestor was my own!
Hi Kim,

Last week I helped my cousin-in-law research her family with deep roots in Massachusetts.   What quality birth, marriage and death records Mass has.... compared to the states I usually research in.   Hope you realize the way we suffer to find maiden names and even marriages!

Enjoy your concert..... I always enjoy Steely Dan especially.
Thanks for visiting Mindy in the chat!  She does a great job doesn't she?

And I agree often women are not as well documented as the men...  I guess it is one of the reasons we seem so mysterious at times....
Hope the concert was great, I've seen the Doobie Brothers and it was an outstanding concert. I have always wanted to see Steely Dan, just not had the chance.

heart Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.angel

+15 votes
Today I decided to let my better half go shopping by herself, I need to take a break. Now while on another answer on here I spotted a rabbit hole with several notables listed so I just have to check and see if they are on WikiTree  yet...……...
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
lol Dale. Have fun relaxing and don't go too far down that rabbit hole.
Too late Mindy, I already started another Notable profile. Mel harder lived and died in my hometown of Chardon, we even have a park with baseball fields named for him.

Chardon. What a pretty town, at least from the Google Maps view. Lots of trees. I love that.
Pip I never actually lived inside the City Limits, and it is a city now, but I moved just west of town in 1956. In 1970 I moved southeast of town and lived there Until 1973 when I married and moved further Southeast to Burton, Ohio. The early 1990's had me move north to Lake County and in 2003 I moved back to very near where I lived in 1970. 2014 had me moving from my Chardon address to Just north of Charlotte North Carolina, back to Ohio just outside Youngstown and again to just outside Geauga County. In 2016 we moved again to the same neighborhood that I lived in in 1970 and 2003 and I hope that was the last move. I attended Chardon Schools from grade 1 until I graduated and when I started college Kent State had their branch campus in Chardon, it later moved to Burton, so I guess I can't get away from that town.
What was the name of that song? “Goin’ ‘Round in Circles.”

I grew up west of Charlotte in rural Mecklenburg County. Left there in ‘84, retired back to NC in 2015.
My daughter lives in Kannapolis on the northern edge in Rowan county and I visit as often as I can, I just could not handle living there.
I worked at a church in Concord for a couple of years, just down the road, back in the 70s. Lots of mill villages around there then. I supposed there still are.
My daughter has lived and worked in That area for many years and lived in and around Charlotte and Concord as well. I actually got my "new", then at least hearing aids in Concord North Carolina so I know the area well. We were planning to retire there but I am very allergic to something near where my daughter lives and I was very sick living there so we decided it was smarter to move back north for my well being.
Re song: " Goin' 'Round in Circles"                                                              :Blessed are they that go around in circles.  They shall be known as Big wheels.

Beulah, don’t all genealogist as some time or another? smiley

Dale your feet deserve a rest after yesterday.  And I don't think you know how to rest.... you are always busy!

Ditto to what everyone said here.

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+15 votes
Susan is a frequent visitor to the Weekend Chat so I wanted to pass on this stellar recognition.  

https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/640795/houston-have-new-astronaut-susan-laursen-has-passed-points over 1 million G2G points!
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
Susan is amazing!!! Congratulations again!
I could not agree more, Laura and Mindy! Susan is one of the most positive, nicest and friendliest WikiTreers I know.

Ditto and I agree with what everyone said on this chat.

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+17 votes
Ah, Saturday. Finally, some cool weather. Sitting on the back deck. The Wife is reading a novel and not telling me to get off my iPad. I’ve got a ton to do around the yard and am unwilling to get off my duff and get to it.

Started working on profiles for the 1927 Poplar Bluff, Missouri, tornado project. Just one done so far, Eli M. Cravens. I’m not sure how much to put in it. Just the victim, or his whole family. Lots of work there. Glad I’m able to help out with that project, genealogically speaking, as most of what I do is along the lines of encouragement, especially  since my research skills are embarrassingly poor comparatively.

My brother couldn’t make it up, so no killing the diet by eating out. That’s all we do when he’s up here! El Ranchero Mexican Restaurant is his favorite as well as ours.

Still reading King Hereafter, by Dorothy Dunnett. It’s massive.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Don’t sell yourself short Pip, you’ve been doing great I’m sure. Too bad your brother didn’t make it, family time is important!

The weekend has been great so far!
I wish it were cooler here. It has been in the mid 90s today and it is very, very dry so I'm staying in and working a little on merging some people that I finally can merge and slowly adding more WWI soldiers from New Brunswick, Canada who were killed in action.
Welcome to the Weekend Chat Doug! What state are you in that's hot and dry? I miss the dry air of Nevada...
Pip this link is to the death index for MO.  You might find it of help.  

Excellent! Thank you, Laura!
Mindy, I'm from Colorado. Not quite as dry as parts of Nevada, but quite dry.

Ahhh, not so far from my home state smiley

Ditto to what everyone said on this chat.

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+16 votes
Well guys.. I'm still feeling worn out from my week and a half vacation! LOL I actually started feeling kind of blue Tues knowing I had to be back at work on Thurs. LOL

I'd post tons of photos here but you can check them out at either of these links:



Met several new cousins including another Isaac, Isaac cousin. Our 5th great grandfather Johann Christoffel Schacke aka John Christopher Shockey had 11 children. A large group of us at the reunion came via his son Isaac. Four of us are from Isaac's son Isaac. :) Ellsworth is an absolutely adorable 85 year old former Professor.

A few days prior I met another cousin and his wife whom I've chatted with quite a bit and got to celebrate their wedding anniversary with them. :)

The day before we got home Mom and I got to meet yet another cousin, everyone here knows her, NJ! :) She made us a fabulous breakfast complete with Mimosas!
by Charlotte Shockey G2G6 Pilot (993k points)
What a fun time!! I’m usually ready for a vacation after my vacation lol. I want to do everything and wear myself out lol. My last one I actually paced myself, which was a nice change of pace. Welcome to the Weekend Chat, I’m glad you made it!

Sounds absolutely wonderful, meeting all, those cousins... AND breakfast?!?! I should be a member of your family. 

Glad you had a great time! =D From all the pics I saw it looked pretty amazing!
Welcome back and sweet dreams as you recover from travel.  I know sometimes we need a vacation to recover from the vacation!  Sounds like you had fun though!
Yes Mindy I do too! I don't get to go on vacation much so I try to do and see as much as I can when I do. :) LOL This time certainly wore me out compared to other times.

Pip, you just have to meet the right cousins! :) LOL NJ certainly surprised us with the spread she made. :)

I agree and ditto to what everyone said I haven't had a vacation with just my parents since 2005 or 2006.

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+16 votes
Been on WikiTree a couple of years. It is driving me crazy. All of my research has been done over the last 30 years ago. At first a researcher went to a location, i.e. library, archives, to get info and copied it by hand with or without sources.Then we got where we could use a copier and tried not to forget to put the source name on it. Then we had discs of info with world trees and Ancestry.com trees. These came on line with little or no sources. That is often the case today.

Anyway, I go to my ancestor who I haven't looked at for a while only to find One World Tree or Ancestry.com as the source. An ancestor I thought I had info on becomes hours or days of research.

I fully believe in sources. Just grumbling about my personal experience. Anyone relate?
by Claudia Scarbrough G2G6 Mach 3 (31.7k points)
Hi Claudia. Yes, those are frustrating. I see a lot that were gedcom additions. I guess the pm never went back and added sources. I keep a to-do list (not that I have time to work on it that often lol). I found one of my own that I had to add to the list. It had sources but they’re Ancestry records and need to be replaced with FamilySearch records. I prefer the ones I added in individually, but I was testing out the gedcompare process. The three main things every profile needs: sources, sources, and more sources!   Biographies are just the frosting on the cake. Welcome to the Weekend Chat!
A couple of years ago, my wife and I both decided to "start over." That is, do genealogy the right way and only use the previous 25 years as hints. I'm still at it and still learning to do it right. I'm slowly moving data to WIkiTree while updating my local database. My old tree had numerous of those pointers to unsourced trees. Basically, I'm changing from doing genealogy to being a genealogist.
Doug, that is s phrase worthy of becoming a motto: “From doing genealogy to being a genealogist.”
I think any newbies to genealogy get very excited to find trees with their family in it.  It never dawns on the newbies (and we were all newbies at one time) that what we found might be bogus.  How many of us imported bad data from a "relative" who sent us their gedcom only to find it was filled with errors...   and the list goes on...  

I can sympathize.  I started a new gedcom and only imported data with real sources.  Then added people only as I verified them.   It made a huge difference and was a lot easier to correct in the long run.

Laura, I think most of us started as something of name collectors first and added info as we got better. I did start before the Internet. I put 25 but that should have been 35 years. Ancestry is both a boon and a bane. All those records are really nice but so many of the trees are works of fiction. WT is great in that an education process is available if people choose to participate.

Ditto and I agree with what everyone said here on this chat.

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+12 votes
Todays plan, Work on WikiTree editing profiles on my watchlist and hopefully reducing my watchlist some more in the morning. About noon it is off to a Volunteer Examiner test session and at quarter to 4 pick up a granddaughter from work then possibly do some more on WikiTree after dinner. I pushed off cutting the grass until tomorrow, hope the weather stays nice. As others have noted resting is hard for me, I do know how but resting is something I do not like to do much while I am still alive.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Good luck on the profiles and your busy schedule for the day...
Today is actually not that busy Dean. The test session should only last about 2 hours and picking up the granddaughter should only take up less than one hour but it gets me up and moving away from the computer and the TV.
I bet picking up the granddaughter is a pleasurable task. Gotta love them grandkids!
Just got back from my tasks for today. I also signed up to be on a second VE team but it is not as bad as it sounds, they are only talking about me working possibly 2 sessions per year.

Ditto and I agree with everyone on this chat.

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+13 votes
We had a break in the heat, at least a little one, so we went out caching in two parks taking some new trails. We are doing a general cleaning because we need to get someone in to replace a built in oven which was sparking. It is only 50 years old, what's the problem?

Two cousins have just died on my father's side, 7 down, 17 to go. They are planning a service to bury the ashes in Vermont. Will probably go, only 5 hours. 2 and half for those in New England. I didn't know him but do know some of the cousins going. Mini-reunion.
by Sue Hall G2G6 Pilot (171k points)
How were the trails Sue? Sounds like fun. Poor stove - RIP lol.

I'm sorry for your loss. It's good that you get to see those cousins though. My family is bad about that - some we only see for funerals. My in-laws do reunions for each side every year so they can all stay in touch.

Welcome to the Weekend Chat!
One new trail was great, in the woods, nice walk. The other was downright scary, lots of boulders to climb, thought I was going to be stuck, but found a trail to get off onto more reasonable paths. I am too old or at least out of condition for rock climbing, heck I have trouble getting up from the floor!
Just got the free essentials version of Roots Magic to put cousins on. It read the FTM file (FTM old and finally dead.) Added cousins death date. It goes up and down the tree but you need the pay version for a descendants chart. Is that worth paying? Probably I wanted it for the mini reunion.
Me too Sue. I used to hike some crazy trails when I was younger. Now I leave that to the kids and grandkids.

Ditto to what everyone said here on this chat.

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+13 votes
Tremendous news, just given us on national news, that the first two children from the soccer team in Thailand have been brought out and are on their way to the hospital.   What a story that will be on their profiles in the future.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (580k points)
What a traumatic experience for them though! Definitely a story they can tell their grandchildren in the future!

Ditto and I agree with everyone on this chat.

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+13 votes
Since I haven't been on the Weekend Chat to more than just comment once in a while, I should introduce myself. I'm from Colorado currently but originally from Massachusetts and got to Colorado by way of grad school in Texas. I'm a retired software engineer and an artist.

Today will be a slow day starting out with weeding the garden and some yard work until the heat gets to me (expected to be in the high 90s [F]). Then add my next WWI soldier to WT and maybe start going over my own research again to find holes. We decided yesterday that we need to go to Salt Lake in December to do research. I keep coming up needing films that haven't been digitized and are still in the Granite Mountain vault so won't be digitized any time soon.
by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (553k points)
We're always glad to see you here Doug, thank you for the introduction! What are your preferred focuses for your art?

It finally dropped to the high 80's in Kentucky - yay! I need a trip to Salt Lake as well, but haven't been able to fit it in. I have a cousin that has gone a few times, and he always comes back with treasures. I really wish they hadn't stopped shipping microfilm. I know the cost was an issue, but it was nice to be able to view them in the neighboring town.
Thank you, Mindy. My preferred art is botanical. I have a certificate in botanical illustration but mostly do art that is between the technical detail of illustration while pushing more to the fine art side. Butterflies and bees are also frequently found in my works. My mediums are primarily colored pencil  and graphite with occasional watercolor or egg tempera pieces.

Salt Lake is a really nice city. We do try to go every other year. December is a really good time to go since few people go then so no crowds in the library. We'll be back there again in January to attend the Salt Lake Institute for Genealogy (SLIG). I decided I really need to start understanding how to use DNA in genealogical proofs.
What a unique field of art! Do you have a website?

Good to know. Mom and I both want to go but my cousin hadn't said anything about busier times of year. I'll let her know! DNA is contributing so much to genealogy research now. I've learned a lot this year, but still have a long way to go to mastering it.
I used to have a website but stopped after finding prints of my stuff for sale. There are still some images on my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/doug.mccallum/photos) if you want to look.

The DNA class is being coordinated by Karen Stanbary. I had the chance to talk to her for quite a while when she was seated across the aisle from me on a flight back from Pittsburgh a couple weeks ago. I'm very much looking forward to it. I know the basics but what a professional would need for proof is still fuzzy.
As to crowds in SLC, summer gets busy due to the number of tourists. Before much was online, you would have to wait for a film reader. It probably isn't so bad now. But, in December you can usually get a room at the Plaza which is right next door to the Library and the light rail from the airport stops there so very convenient.
Really nice pictures Doug! That's a shame someone was actually selling your work. tsk tsk.
Thanks, Mindy. The experience has sort of turned me into the "copyright police" for organizations I'm involved with. Couldn't do anything about it directly but since a number of big name artists were also being sold on that sight, some high powered copyright lawyers got the website taken down (multiple times). It was a Russian group doing it so no way to get damages, but they can no longer get a site in the USA.
Wow - how frustrating! I used to create graphic art, but I never really thought about people doing things like that. I posted things online all the time. I'm glad their US privileges were taken away at least!

Ditto to what everyone said on this chat.

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+12 votes

Today is.... 

BARN DAY, JULY 8th 2018!! (Always observed on the 2nd Sunday of July!)


Barn Day is dedicated to barns, the structures used by farmers to house animals, equipment, grain, and hay. The word is derived from an Old English word, bere, meaning barley, and aem, meaning storage place. 

There are various types of barns, and the ways they have been made has changed over the years. Three aisled Medieval barns greatly influenced many modern barns, and as equipment and technology has improved, barns have been made larger. In the first half of the twentieth century, many barns were built with gambrel and hipped roofs, which allow more space to house hay. These barns are many times associated with modern dairy farms. 

Barns are mostly painted red, and this could be because the ferric oxide used in red paint was cheap and available, and because ferric oxide possibly may help protect the barn. 

Barns historically have been the center of a farm, many times being built even before the house. Barns are a symbol of tradition, and they bring communities together. The most obvious example of this is barn raising, which was popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. 

As building your own barn was a daunting task, barn raisings brought community members together to help each other. Families were willing to help build another barn, as they knew that the community would in turn help them build theirs.


Celebrate Barn Day by driving out into the country to see as many barns as you can. Really get out there and barnstorm—literally. Take note of the different types of barns you can find. Take photographs! Talk to a farmer about their barn and what it means to them. They are quite uncommon today, but if you can participate in a barn raising or a barn dance, you would be celebrating the day in the best possible way. Throughout the day be sure to use phrases such as “Where were you born? A barn?” and “You couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn!” When you are ribbing your friends in this way, make sure your “barn door” isn’t open, or they will have the last laugh!

Got a barn in your back yard, share a photo with us!!!! 



by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Thank you Dorothy! I really love the barns I've seen in Kentucky. I would love to just drive around and take pictures of them, but haven't done it yet. A lot of the barns here have quilting squares on the sides of them. I hadn't seen anything like it before! I also want to break my camera out each time I see the older, sagging barns. For some reason they always catch my attention. Here in Kentucky we aren't far from where they have the Derby. There is a barn down the road that has ceiling fans and a chandelier in the ceiling! Some of the horse 'stables' have better heat and a/c setups than some homes.

Oh boy did you get me sidetracked lol!!! We took off and found a few barns to photograph for you. I should have said that a lot of the abandoned barns, which aren't in these pictures, were tobacco barns. It used to be a large part of Kentucky's economy, but not nearly as many farmers grow tobacco now. The barn in the upper right is most likely a tobacco barn. The others might be, or they might have hay and/or farming equipment. 

Barn quilting squares

What a beautiful day to wander off and take photographs though!

You are not too far from Hendersonville, Tn, want to check out a modern style "barn" and spend the night???? Look here:

Found these other "Barns" : 


What a great way to recycle a barn! Pretty good price for a vacation rental as well.
Love barns. One of my earliest memories is climbing up to my grandfather's barn roof to see what he was doing. I went with my cousin who was the same age. We were about 4. My grandfather nearly had a heart attack seeing two tiny grandkids up that high.

Mindy: I think the challenge though was more like to go out and look for old barns like this

Oh well, talk about me getting sidetracked... cool

Doug, sounds like fond memories there... and a TV show I remember seeing!!! laugh

Those are the ones I really love Dorothy. Mom and I see quite a few driving around to courthouses (for research) in remote areas. Unfortunately, my husband wasn't up for that much of a trek. Some of the really old tobacco barns are just screaming to be photographed before their final breath. Mom's not into stopping along the way though, and I never make it back to them on my own.
My memory is shooting baskets in the hay loft with my cousin. We both have allergies and would make ourselves sick. He also got in trouble since his allergies were his excuse to get out of doing chores.

Ditto and I agree with everyone on this chat. When I ever go up for FunFest in Kingsport, Tennessee with my siblings and their other half, my sister-in-law would go barn quilting hunting to and I have pictures of them that me and her making doing scrapbooking with. I put some pictures on next week of them.

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+11 votes

I've been absolutely bursting this weekend not saying anything - but the announcement has now been made in the group so I'm free to announce it here (yes, this is a shameless plug for our new Project)........ Drum roll please ..... The Portugal Project is now LIVE. Susie and I have been working hard to get everything together and we have a wonderful group of people just waiting to start working on those profiles. Bob is in place, ready to lead the Profile Management Team and I now have one our shiny new Stickers on my profile. I am now co-leading the project with Susie, instead of being a Coordinator (*blush...). I am very honored to also announce my new promotion to Leader on WikiTree. It is a true honor that I will do my best to uphold!

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
The picture, by the way, was taken by my niece. She was in Madeira recently, and gave me permission to use her beautiful photograph.


Congratulations we Appreciate You

On the new Portugal Project and becoming the Newest WikiTree Leader.

Ditto and I agree with everyone here on this chat.

Congratulations we Appreciate You

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Thank you David and Linda!

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