Question on Mary (Thorn) Walker (1693-1765)

+3 votes

Regarding Mary (Thorn) Walker ...

How do I find if this pre 1700 profile is part of a project? It is an orphaned profile, and more likely than not, my (many) great grandmother; I want to adopt it. 

WikiTree profile: Mary Walker
ago in WikiTree Help by Holly Walker G2G Rookie (230 points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
There is no profile manager, so the profile can be adopted.  However, you should certify to qualify for pre-1700 profiles, which should be required for you to adopt the profile.

If it were part of a project, it would most likely say so near the top of the Profile, I don't see that it has any message.

Welcome to WT!
ago by Rick Morley G2G6 Pilot (184k points)
0 votes
She was born and married in Scotland, and died in North Carolina, so either the Scotland Project or the Southern Colonies Project would be relevant.

I note the dates on her profile indicate she married aged 11 which seems very unlikely to be correct.
ago by Andrew Millard G2G6 Pilot (142k points)

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