Happy 530th Columbus Day! What's your connection?

+9 votes

Use this question to share your connection to Christopher Columbus, your Genoan or Italian roots, or anything related to Christopher Columbus or the Columbian Exchange.

I'll start: I have no Italian ancestry, but was surprised to find myself 26 degrees from the Admiral through only a couple of marriages! Through my father the unfortunate Queen Anne Boleyn is my 1st cousin 14 times removed, while Henry VIII's first wife Catherine of Aragon was the second cousin of María de Toledo, Columbus's daughter-in-law.

Catherine of Aragon also may herself be my 3rd cousin 18x removed through descent a few ways from John of Gaunt on my mother's side.

WikiTree profile: Christopher Colombo
in The Tree House by Nathan Kennedy G2G6 Mach 4 (40.1k points)

7 Answers

+7 votes

I do have Italian ancestry, but still had to go through Henry VIII's wife, Jane Seymour. I also have Seymour ancestors, but not connected to Jane apparently. Also 26 degrees.

Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz is Christopher Colombo's son's wife's 2nd cousin's husband's wife's 3rd great-grandniece's husband's 7th great-grandniece.

by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (851k points)
+7 votes
Christopher Columbus is hard because so little is known about his ancestry.

I am 23 degrees, also based on the marriage of Diego Colombo to Maria de Toledo.  Catherine of Aragon is my 14th great aunt and Anne of Cleves is my 12th great aunt.
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+7 votes
I have no Italian ancestry but we are 28 degrees apart but that requires 3 marriages
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (405k points)
Christopher is controversial at best. Lots of disputed info re this one. Studied Latin, however written communications were often in Spanish using poor grammar. Portuguese ties also noted.
+6 votes
23 degrees to Christopher and 5C14R to his first son's wife, Maria de Toledo......WikiTree makes it so easy.
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (364k points)
+6 votes
No Italian ancestry in my family (though my late husband's mother came from Italy). I am 26 degrees from Christopher. I am totally green to Henry VIII through his sister, Margaret Tudor, then jump to yellow at Catherine of Aragon, then back to green at Diego Colombo. Catherine of Aragon is my 3rd cousin, 16 times removed while Anne Boleyn is my 3rd cousin, 15 times removed. I'm 8th cousin, 15 times removed from Diego's wife, Maria de Toledo.
by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (430k points)
+6 votes
I have no known Italian dna connections but I certainly enjoy
Chris F. on the weekend chats with his blogs.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (576k points)
+6 votes

Christopher is 25 Degrees from me : 2 branches (2-24)

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)

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