How was Roger Shakespeare related to John Shakespeare?

+5 votes

This is a case from Common Pleas, Easter term 1564:

Warks. Roger Bentford versus John Shakspere, of Stratford upon Avon, yeoman; and Roger Shakspere, of Packwood, husbandman, for debt. John and Roger Shakespere each to pay 40 shillings.
First entry:

Then this entry, Hilary term 1595:
Worcs. Humphrey Prettye versus William Sidnall, of Packwood, Warks, yeoman; William Shacksper, of Packwood, badger (a grain peddler); Edward Ichyner, of Packwood, yeoman, for trespass.
Second to last:

The name William Shacksper caught my eye, though the Bard of Avon was already in London by then, but how are the two related? John Shakespere is likely to be related somehow to Roger in Packwood (about 14 miles north of Stratford on Avon) since they were defendants in the same lawsuit. And William of Packwood is likely to be related to Roger of Packwood, maybe his son. But who was Roger Shakespeare?

WikiTree profile: John Shakespeare
in Genealogy Help by Living Mead G2G6 Mach 7 (74.9k points)

1 Answer

+7 votes
Best answer
According to Mark Eccles' 1961 "Shakespeare in Warwickshire" pp 6-7, there was a Christopher Shakespeare of Packwood who made his will in 1557 (proved in 1558), naming children Richard, William, Roger, Christopher, John and Alice. Eccles then references a record of a 1561 suit in which Roger Binford of Solihull sued for debt Richard Shackspere of Packwood, John Shackspere of Stratford on Avon, and Roger Shackspere of Packwood. Eccles states that "These were probably the sons of Christopher, although it is possible that John was Shakespeare's father and a kinsman of the others."
by Chase Ashley G2G6 Pilot (321k points)
selected by Living Mead

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