Curious Anomaly in Relationship Finder? [closed]

+3 votes

Just looking at some general history, I was trying to use the Relationship Finder to see the lineage of King George VI (Sachsen-Coburg_und_Gotha-4)(by the way, there's no way to search for King George VI, you've got to know that his name was Albert Sachsen-Coburg_und_Gotha) and trace him back to William the Conqueror (Normandie-32). The Relationship Finder says We could not find a blood relationship between William I the Conqueror (Normandie) de Normandie and George VI (Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) Windsor.

So I swapped to the Connection Finder, which found 23 degrees, and when I examined it (and looked at the Alternative View), it does seem to be all a straight line of direct descent.

So is there a problem with the Relationship Finder?

WikiTree profile: George VI Windsor
closed with the note: Question answered
in WikiTree Tech by Wendy Scott G2G6 Mach 3 (31.9k points)
closed by Wendy Scott
By the way, Wendy - if you go to the Find dropdown and choose Search, then scroll right down its page until you reach the section 'Search for any text' and put in 'George VI' (without the quotes) you'll find him.
Thanks Ros, Another feature I've never used so forgotten it was there!

1 Answer

+5 votes
Best answer

The Relationship Finder defaults to checking only 15 generations and they are not related within that number of generations. However if you click the "SEARCH 30 GENERATIONS" button then it says that William the Conqueror is the 24th great grandfather of George VI.

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (415k points)
selected by Living Kerr
Thanks Paul. I've never had to bother with more than 15 generations before, so didn't think to use that button.

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