Can I add some code to a link that causes the link to open in a new tab or window when clicked on?

+4 votes
Can some code be added to a link and/or ref tag that causes a new tab or window to open when a link is clicked on?
in Policy and Style by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)

Hello Tommy.

If there's a CTRL key in your tablet, try what is in the "Note" here

It is not difficult to change a link in a profile. My suggestion is to try "Preview" and then "Save", look at the profile (you will still be there), then check the link and fix it if you need to do that.
The problem is when I hit a link unintentionally in preview and it opens the page in the same window.  I then lose all my edits to the profile.

Again, I just lost all my edits to a profile I was working on.  There needs to be some idiot proof way to keep the profile page from losing the edits.


Some WT members "SAVE" oftenly to prevent losing their work. See

1 Answer

+3 votes
Hi Tommy!  I notice that some links are built that way, such as the names in the surname search lists, but in any case the user can just right-click on the link to choose to have it open in a new tab.
by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (293k points)
FYI:  There is no right clicking on a tablet or at least, on my tablet.

I am adding lots of links to my profiles, and I need to QUICKLY test these links without running the risk of losing my work on the profile.  I have already had my edits lost messing with testing links.  I need to quickly tap a link and see if it loads the page correctly, but without messing with the profile page I am editing on.

Sorry Tommy, this is done by HTML code which is not really permitted in the Biography section of Profiles.

A work around is to create a Free Space Page, Tommy's Test Page for instance and try your links there before adding them to your Profiles.  If it messes up on the test page, who cares, just try it again.  It's a play page and you won't hurt anything.

I actually test links on my Profile many times. When they work, I copy and paste to the desired Profile. And then delete them.

Updated:  Oh yeah, completely forgot about holding down the control key when clicking on a link to force a new tab, thanks Ruben.  I hope your tablet has a control key that is. wink

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