Check Chaucer’s sister in law was Kathryn Swinford wife to John Ghent

+3 votes
Chaucer’s father was royal vintner to Royal family and received a yearly stipend.  This was continued with Chaucer himself.   He grew up in the court of

Edward III. He himself actually received a yearly stipend from the Royal court as the official literary writer.  His wife was actually lady in waiting to Queen Phillipa.   Chaucer actually grew up with the 10 children at court of Edward III

Including Edward IV the Black Knight, Edmund of York, and John Ghent, Duke of Lancaster.  I learned this from Professor who was Chair of Medieval Literature at Rice University, while taking her class on Chaucer.  She is the expert on everything that has to do with Chaucer.

The actual death date is unknown.  He left public life in1399 to be harbored by the monastery at Westminster Abbey.  No one knows why.  The plaque in his burial spot in Abbey was placed at a later date.
WikiTree profile: Geoffrey Chaucer
in Genealogy Help by
retagged by Darlene Athey-Hill
Hi Anonymous, when you ask us to check are you saying that you think there is an error on one of these profiles? Not clear to me whether you are offering additional information or asking for a relationship to be changed.
Yes it's well known that Chaucer and John of Gaunt married sisters. Their parentage is uncertain. Alison Weir has written about them if anyone wants to investigate.
But the profiles for Chaucer and John of Gaunt are already showing their marriages to the possible half sisters, so I am not sure what Anonymous is asking us to check.

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