Help us find and connect next week's Connection Finder profiles: Saints [closed]

+16 votes

March 17 is St. Patrick's Day, so we're featuring him and other saints in the Connection Finder next week.

Here's who we're getting started on:

Can you help with these profiles, or expand their families? Adding relatives in any direction helps with connections. Every missing relative you add will make our connections to them closer.

Who else should we feature? Do they need a profile?

All profiles we feature need a good biography and a connection to the big tree. We also want each one to have an image, and the image needs to have proper source attribution explaining why it's in the public domain or why we have the right to display it.

We can't feature everyone mentioned (we only have room for eleven per week), but if we don't feature a profile you work on, we may use it sometime in the future. And, of course, all contributions help improve our shared tree.

We'll make a final decision on which ones to feature early next week.

Please reply here with what you're working on so that we don't duplicate our efforts. Thank you!

To help us plan future themes, see the 2022 Example Profile Plans post here.

WikiTree profile: Patrick ap Calpurnius
closed with the note: Featute"
in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (753k points)
closed by Abby Glann
Is it to only be those already Sanctified - or can we include those on the "pathway" to Sainthood?
I think the pathway or beatified works, too!

Thanks, Abby. smiley
Now just need the USBH folk to see what we can do.

Saint Martin de Porres would qualify. 1579-1639.

Or Venerable Pierre Toussaint 1766-1863

20 Answers

+14 votes
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton of Emmitsburg, Maryland has a picture and is connected.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
In support of Elizabeth - she was an educator, known as a founder of the country's parochial school system. After her death, she became the first person born (August 28, 1774) in what would become the United States to be canonized by the Catholic Church (September 14, 1975).
Thanks, Margaret and Melanie.
+15 votes

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop (also known as Mary Helen MacKillop RSJ) is the only Australian to be recognised by the Catholic Church as a saint. 

Has pic, has bio, is Connected.

by Melanie Paul G2G6 Pilot (426k points)
Thanks for nominating Mary MacKillop, Melanie :)
Thanks, Melanie.
+9 votes
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
+9 votes
Saint John Nepomucene Neumann, 1811-1860, 4th bishop of Philadelphia. He has an okay bio but no picture and is not connected.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
Thanks, Margaret.
+12 votes
Saint Damien of Molokai, Belgian missionary to Hawaii b 1840. https://www.wikitree/com/wiki/De_Veuster-2

Saint Bernadette Soubirous, visionary of Lourdes.

Saint Charles Borromeo, a leading figure in the Counter-Reformation. No picture; profile needs editing and better bio. Also, the profile needs to note he was canonized.

Saint Therese of Lisieux.

Saint Thomas Aquinas

St Jean de Brebeuf

St. Maximilian Kolbe

St. Teresa of Calcutta

St. Edward the Confessor

St. Thomas Becket

St Frances Xavier Cabrini
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
edited by Margaret Summitt
Thanks, Margaret.
+12 votes

Venerable Augustus Tolton - born into slavery, is not yet a Saint, but was declared Venerable (the first step along the "pathway" to being Canonised) by Pope Francis in June 2019.

He has a pic, and he has a bio.  However, he needs to be Connected.  (I wanted to have his name "out there" in case we can manage that.)

by Melanie Paul G2G6 Pilot (426k points)
Bl. Thea Bowman is another option. I haven't looked to see if she has a profile, yet, though. If you're already connecting with USBH :-)

There are two profiles for a Bertha Elizabeth Bowman, but both appear to be at least a generation or two too early.  (Wrong century for birth.)
I'll send Emma an email and suggest her for profile creation, but it'll be getting her Connected that may cause hassles.

(She was born in Yazoo!  What a terrific name!  Even better is Yazoo is in the humpback, humpback state! cheeky)

Thanks to Emma, Sr Thea now has a profile.  The "trick" will be getting her Connected in time.  (I am working on an image.)

Amazing woman, really.

(Her father was also born in Yazoo!)

I don't know how others have fared, but I have been unable (thus far, anyway) to find anything close to a Connection for the Venerable Augustus Tolton, or for Sr Thea Bowman.  sad
It would have been wonderful to include them for this upcoming theme, but unless a miracle occurs between now and whenever the list is finalised, we'll just have to keep working on them for a future date.

Thanks, Melanie. I'll take a quick crack at it before I finalize the list.
+11 votes

Bl. Stanley F. Rother - - a martyr beatified in September, 2017, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

He is connected to the tree.


by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
The first US born priest and martyr to be beatified by the Catholic Church. I live 15 miles from his hometown, and used to play golf with his brother.

     I have always loved the stories that, when the investigators visited, they visited the home in which he grew up and the wealth of relics there shocked there.

     I have met a couple of his cousins, wonderful people.

Thanks, Roger and John.
+13 votes

Kateri Tekakwitha also known as Lily of the Mohawks. Unfortunately, she isn't connected.

by Nikki Orvis G2G6 Mach 2 (25.5k points)
She would be really tough to connect, Nikki.
Thanks, Nikki.
+9 votes
Matilda of Ringelheim (needs bio improvement):
by Traci Thiessen G2G6 Pilot (298k points)
Thanks, Traci.
+12 votes

Again? St. Patrick was a connection finder profile last year. Is it not supposed to vary more?

Also, and more importantly, several people pointed out that the genealogy was problematic then. Is it still not so? There are several people in these genealogies that are "generally considered legendary". I don't say anything needs to be removed or anything, but I don't think that's what we should showcase, since that's the kind of thing that can give a bad reputation among genealogists ("hm, so that's some online tree where they connect mythical persons to each other?").

by Per Starbäck G2G6 Mach 4 (40.3k points)
+12 votes

If you would like someone French to replace Vincent de Paul in the lineup, Thérèse de Lisieux is a fairly "popular" Saint, and she is connected.

by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (580k points)
Back in my dim, dark past, I worked in a Catholic church supplier, and got to know a reasonable amount about many of the Saints.  I used to claim St Thérèse as "my saint" because I was a "foreign mission".  (I was the only protestant among all the Roman Catholics on staff.)
I sold an awful lot of prayer cards dedicated to her.
Thanks, Isabelle.
+12 votes

I don't think that Bridget of Sweden has been in the lineup yet.

She is connected, but has no portrait. I'll get someone to add one.

by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (583k points)
Thanks, Eva.
+9 votes
Plenty to work on here! Is there a category for English Saints?
by Frances Halliday G2G6 Mach 1 (12.8k points)
Thanks, Frances.
+8 votes
I would like  to help. Even though, my pre-1800 badge was taken from me, I still would like to help
by Toni Boone G2G6 Mach 2 (27.0k points)
There are a number of Saints, or those not yet Canonised, but set on the pathway, that are from now up until 1700.  Even for those pre-1700, sometimes all that is needed it to check to see if they are Connected, have at least a basic biography, and have a primary image attached.
If you don't have pre-1700, or pre-1500 (I don't have pre-1500), you can still help on those profiles if it is needed, by way of profile comments, discussing things here, or by using a space page to collect your information.
Thank you
+9 votes

We could feature Brother André, a lay brother of the Congregation of Holy Cross who was canonized in 2010.  He is connected and has a suitable photo.  I'll work on adding his maternal ancestry this week.

by Greg Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (375k points)
Thanks, Greg.
+9 votes
Saint Joan of Arc.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (136k points)
Thanks, Frank.
+12 votes

Titus Brandsma (23 February 1881 – 26 July 1942) was a Dutch Carmelite friar, Catholic priest and professor of philosophy. Brandsma was vehemently opposed to Nazi ideology and spoke out against it many times before the Second World War. He was imprisoned in the infamous Dachau concentration camp, where he was murdered. He has been beatified by the Roman Catholic Church as a martyr of the faith.
by Elsa van der Velde G2G6 Mach 3 (35.7k points)
And will be canonized in May.
Thanks, Elsa.
I wrote a blog on Titus a few days ago for the Kilmacud Carmel Facebook, so have edited it to improve his profile.
+8 votes
Father Damien, not connected yet. Profile could use some work.
by Mark Burch G2G6 Pilot (223k points)
Thanks, Mark.
+7 votes
How about Saint Isaac Jogues ?  He has a wonderful biography (in French) and is connected.
by Mark Weinheimer G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Thanks, Mark
+7 votes
I'll do a bio for St. Vincent de Paul, but would be grateful if somone else can do the connections
by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (155k points)
Thanks, Christine.

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