
DNA Bright Ideas

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This Space Page is associated with the DNA Project

A Place for DNA Project members to work out Ideas prior to and as a help in posting to G2G. This Space page lists our members bright ideas, or wish list, for things we'd like to put forward to the Community and the team for discussion and possible incorporation into WikiTree. We can hash-out our Ideas here and get them ready to post in a concise manner to G2G.



  • Icon in lists on WikiTree indicating a Profile has DNA connections - DNA connected Profile.
  • What if you could add an (auDNA match) icon (by clicking a radio button) to those people in WikiTree who are an autosomal match with you? When you are logged in as yourself then your auDNA matches would have that icon. The problem I imagine is WikiTree would have to "create a database" for each auDNA tester's matches.
  • Putting the DNA matching evidence on a child's profile makes sense. This shows the icon for that profiles DNA proven parent or parents and provides the proof right there. But what is not obvious is which sibling or child, if any, may also be DNA proven. When validating siblings or traversing down a proven tree it would be helpful to see an icon next to each sibling or child that is DNA confirmed. For example, on my father's page I can see that he is DNA confirmed to match both parents. But my sister Kathy and I both have DNA confirmed descent from my dad while his other 6 kids do not. And one of my uncles also has a DNA confirmed relationship to their parents. I think a visual clue to that fact would be a helpful addition.


  • An easier way to get to your DNA tests information page.


  • Replace the [compare] link with an icon link (i.e. ->dna.gif<- ). This will save space, overcome language barriers, and allow X-DNA comparisons under DNA Connections.

A Y-DNA comparison would have blue arrows and helix.
Similarly an X-DNA comparison would use the color for the X.gif X.gif
An autosomal comparison would use the color of the au.gif au.gif
and an mtDNA comparison would use the color of the mt.gif mt.gif

The X-DNA icon link (when shown) would be to the right of the auDNA icon link

Meeting March 2, 2021, Peter, Jamie, Greg, Mags and Lianne.

Improve DNA Confirmation for auDNA

The Triangulators

Know how to and have mastered the concept of DNA triangulation and have added appropriate citations for each parent child relationship for three or more distantly related cousins (on each of their ancestral lines) back to (but not including) their shared ancestral couple all matching each other on the same segment measuring 7 or more cM?

At the same time do you show an understanding of the concept of DNA Confirmations in general and have posted correct Citations to any of your DNA confirmed relationships which are marked as confirmed with DNA?

Triangulators Admin

Triangulators Admin

Check of DNA Triangulations - Awarding Triangulators Badge Kay Peter Mags Gaulden Thomas Anderson


Notification of DNA Cousins

When a new DNA tester appears under DNA Connections of a profile then the profile manager(s) is notified.

Converting Spread Sheets to WikiTables

Paul Bech's Version:

Regular or sortable columns.

  1. prepare the info in a spreadsheet and then use: http://tools.wmflabs.org/magnustools/tab2wiki.php
  2. to convert the spreadsheet to a wikitable. Just cut and paste the entire sheet to the website window and click "do it". If you include headers for the columns leave the option ticked for "First element in a column is a header"
  3. If you want all the columns sortable also leave the option ticked for "Sortable table" the output can then just be cut and pasted in a wikipage.
  4. be consistent in the method. Similarly with names: Bech, Paul
  • If a particular column does not need to be sortable, a simple edit of the output can fix that.
  • If you are using sorting, think about how it will sort. The sort is pretty literal, so I usually use reverse dates eg 1995 Mar 01
  • Tables can be pretty large. It is more a matter of how much memory they will take on someones computer who is viewing it. Once I get above 500 or 600 rows, I usually think about splitting the table into parts. In the case of cemeteries. I have a main cemetery page then separate pages for the tables all linked from the main page (like "A to J" and "K to Z") and links back to the main page.
  • Another problem with large tables we have had is people opening one, doing a quick edit, and saving, but the table was not fully loaded so they just saved the part which was (meaning I had to reconstruct from the changes).


Post in G2G This may be a double up on what is already in process...

  1. on WikiTree profiles with more DNA connections with gedmatch ids we could auto generate a matrix with the cM relationship between DNA Connections on the profile using Gedmatch
  2. have Project Database errors for DNA matches for profiles with gedmatch id and to low or no shared cM. On profile Ersson_Torsfält_Thor-1 we see that A933552 and M0130018 share no segments over the threshold selected
  3. have Project Database errors for gedmatch IDs having a WikiTree profile but are not connected on WIkiTree
-Maybe when the WikiTree location data is better we could suggest in what area/location there is a match ny creating maps on the fly
-Group people who share the same segments


  • There should be a task to find y-DNA test takers with no entry for mitoYDNA and request that they add the id (and to get an id if they do not already have one).

Automate Error checking

  • Add errors in DNA annotation to the suggestions report for managed profiles
    • Profiles that indicate that DNA was tested, but the person died before DNA testing was available.
    • Profiles that show "Confirmed with DNA" but do not show at least two test takers in their DNA Connections list for the same type of test. DONE
Does this belong in the Data Doctors project? Kingman-271 21:32, 2 December 2017 (EST) - Hye John- No we have to come up with the ideas we want to have happen for our project in the Data Doctors project. This is especially because we are a functional project with no profiles or regular Data Reports. Gaulden-7 10:32, 6 December 2017 (EST)

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Mags Gaulden and Peter Roberts. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 3

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On this page in the section Automate Error checking, there is a suggestion to check for errors where "Profiles that indicate that DNA was tested, but the person died before DNA testing was available." That would not necessarily be an error now that old artifacts are being tested, not to mention historical figures who are disinterred and tested.
posted by Bennet George
I would love to see some sort of an arrangement where I could pull up a profile and see the DNA profiles where this profile is the MCRA. It would also help to be able to sort the tests so that I know if the AU DNA Results are coming from the parents or from the children. For example Marcellus Swafford has lots of information, which ones are his descendants and which ones are his cousins?
posted by Lance Martin
My DNA dream is for well-documented DNA segments to be identified with specific individuals that lived in the past, so that when your DNA is tested it can be matched against those deceased individuals as well as against living ones.

I have used the information on GEDmatch to label segments of my DNA results as coming to me through specific ancestors. There are a couple of segments that I can see have come to me through specific 4th-great-grandparents. People who match those entire segments are probably descended from a close relative of those ancestors of mine.

(I can do this, by the way, because two descendants of my 3rd-great-grandmother's mother's brother and two descendants of her father's brother have uploaded DNA to GEDmatch, as have some of my second cousins.)

posted by Allen Warner