Help:Photo Privacy

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You cannot customize the privacy level of a photo. Access to images is dependent on the Privacy Level of the profiles on which they appear and whether you are on the Trusted Lists of those profiles. Here are more details.

See the Photos FAQ for more general information about images on WikiTree.

private.png Private

If the only profiles identified in a photo are private (which includes the Privacy Levels Unlisted, Private, Private with Public Biography, and Private with Public Biography and Family Tree) the image is private.

The tiny thumbnail version of the image may appear in various places but nothing larger.

Please note that we never recommend uploading sensitive images of young children and that there are restrictions about the content of images in the Terms of Service.

Also note that WikiTree is not designed to host large batches of newly-taken personal photos. You may consider using a specialized photo sharing website or social network.

public.png Public

If anyone identified in a photo is Public or Open the image is public.

Although the image can be seen by anyone and anyone can add comments, only those on the Trusted Lists of profiles identified in the photo can edit details.

Public photos that don't include anyone private may be nominated and featured as WikiTree's Family History Photo of the Week. If your photo is nominated you can ask that it be removed.

Why is a photo public if anyone in it is public?

Shouldn't it be that a photo is private if anyone in it is private?

Although WikiTree is designed to enable private sharing between close family members, our larger goal is to grow a worldwide family tree that connects us all. This is what it's all about.

Other websites specialize in photo sharing. There's no reason you can't use those sites for modern family photos and WikiTree for family history.

For the legal details of our privacy policy, click here.

This page was last modified 14:21, 9 October 2021. This page has been accessed 95,241 times.