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William Franklin Mills (1845 - 1923)

William Franklin "Frank" Mills
Born in Middletown, Orange, New York, United Statesmap
Husband of — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Husband of — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Descendants descendants
Died at age 78 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United Statesmap
Profile last modified | Created 4 Apr 2011
This page has been accessed 476 times.



William was born in 1845 and died in 1923.


Date: 23 Nov 1923
Place: Pittsburgh, Pa
Cause: Malignancy of Prostate


Date: 28 Nov 1923
Place: St. John's Reformed Church Cemetery, Chicora, Butler Co., Pa
Source: #S423

Research Notes

Note: 1) "DEEDS OF VALOR" How America's Civil War Heroes Won TheCongressional Medal of Honor, originally published in 1903,republished in 1992 by Longmeadow Press,
pages 64 & 65
Page 64 has a picture of Frank W. Mills, with caption "Sergeant, Co.A, 8th N. Y. City Militia. Born at Middletown, Orange Co., New York,August 5, 1845"
Page 65 has a drawing of the mule and cart at the store, two Unionsoldiers and two Confederate soldiers. The caption reads, "We hastenedthe prisoners back".
"Nerve and pluck are essential qualification of a soldier. Theywere abundantly displayed by the Union men, but here is a sample whichearned for Sergeant Mills an official recognition and will awaken theinterest of every reader. The sergeant himself narrates:
"I was on the advance guard with some of our men September 4, 1862,when we moved towards Sandy Cross Roads. Some noise and faint cheeringgave us our direction. When we came in sight of Sandy Cross Roads, wediscovered the rebels. Giving the signal to our troops, we rushed in onthe surprised enemy as fast as our horses could carry us. It happenedthat my horse carried me in the lead. Before I realized it, I was rightamong the rebels. That I came out of the affair alive, was a surprise tome. At the time, however, I thought of nothing but to capture the enemybefore me. Unmindful of all danger I kept yelling to them: "Surrender -Surrender."
"The rebels were completely taken by surprise. They believed theYankees to be miles away. They were actually paralyzed and did notrecover from their surprise, until the captain arrived with the rest ofour troops. Then they tried a little resistance - some of them evenstood their ground, others ran and got behind anything they could find.
"During the melee a rebel aimed his gun at Captain Hamilton, but Ihad just time enough to spur in on him and cut him down, before he fired.
"We captured about 120 Confederates and nearly 100 horses andmules. While occupied in gathering them in, a most satisfactory job fora soldier, a colored lad came up to me and told me, that two prisonershad got away and gone down the road with a mule and cart. He added:
"Boss, they may stop at a store four miles down the road.' Herewas something for me to do; I took one man and started after them, inthe hurry even forgetting to notify the captain.
"We soon came in sight of the store and, sure enough, the mule wastied outside. No one saw us come up, so I dismounted, gave my bridle tomy companion and crept up to the store. The rebels were just relatingtheir experience with the damned Yankees, when I sailed in on them andshouted: "Surrender"; I fired a shot in order to scare them, and,finding their guns near the door, had little trouble in capturingeverything in sight.
"As we hastened the mule and the prisoners back to our lines, webarely escaped being left behind by our command. Captain Hamilton wasvery glad to see us return. He had missed us, and was reluctant to gowithout us, though he knew, that every minute spent on this ground mighthave brought an attack by the rebels to free their comrades.
"Our prisoners felt greatly mortified to think, that a sergeant andthirty-five Yankee soldiers should have captured them, when it had beenwithin their power to 'do us up,' and let no one go back to tell thestory."
2) "History of Orange County New York 1683-1881", compiled by E.M.Ruttenber and L.H. Clark
reprinted in 1986:
This company, known locally as the "Middletown Cavalry" was recuitedby Morris I. McCornal at Middletown, as part of Col. Van Wyck's "TenthLegion," in the autumn of 1861. It was detached from the Legion andmustered as Co. C., First Mounted Rifles, with ninety-five men. Theofficers were: Morris I. McCornal, captain; Charles F. Allen, firstlieutenant; Arthur Hagen, second lieutenant; Ardice Robbins, orderlysergeant; C.R. Smith, quartermaster and quite a number of its menre-enlisted. Lieuts. Allen and Smith resigned, and died in civil lifesince the war. Quartermaster-Sergeant Smith was promoted lieutenant, aswere Sergts. James Eaton, FRANK MILLS, and Fred Penney. Capt. McCornalresigned in 1862, and re-entered service in the Fifteenth Cavalry in1863."
3) Butler, PA Newspaper (probably the Eagle) Monday, Nov 26, 1923:
"Only Butler County Veteran to be Awarded Medal For Valor, to beBuried Wednesday"
"Frank W. Mills, aged 78, a Civil war veteran and retired oilproducer of Chicora, died at 9:40 yesterday afternoon in the AlleghenyGeneral hospital after a lingering illness. He had been in declininghealth for a year. Mr. Mills had a distinguished record as a soldier inthe Civil war and was the only veteran in Butler county to hold a medalfor gallantry in action, awarded by congress.
Mr. Mills was born in Orange county, N. Y., August 5, 1845. Atthe beginning of the war he enlisted in Company C, First Regiment, NewYork Rifles, and served during the entire period of the war. His finaldischarge was dated November 29, 1865. He was awarded a medal bycongress for distinguished gallantry in action at Sandy Cross Roads, N.C., September 4, 1862, when he came in contact with the enemy whileleading a scouting expedition and charged them without orders. Theentire troop followed. The whole force of the enemy, 120 men, wascaptured. Mr. Mills was a sergeant of the troop at the time.
Located Near Chicora
After the war Mr. Mills came to Butler county and located inthe Chicora district at the beginning of the oil development in thatlocality. He had been a producer and a pumper in the Butler countyfields until he retired.
He was a member of A. G. Reed Post G. A. R. of Butler; and anhonorary member of Joseph P. Black Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars.
His wife, Sarah McFarland Mills, died February 19, 1923.Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Kenneth McCollough of Butler, Mrs. A.A. Hoch, Jr. of Chicora, Mrs. Paul Mackey of Pittsburgh, Miss Agnes Millsof Pittsburgh, and Miss Mae Mills at home; also two sons, Frank W. Mills,Jr., an officer in the quartermaster's department of the Regular army,stationed at Manilla, Philippine Islands, and William M. Mills ofPittsburgh.
A sister and two brothers also survive; Mrs. Phoebe Sergant ofWoodbury Falls, N. Y., Whitney Mills of Chicago, Ill, and Charles Millsof Parkersburg, W. Va.
Funeral Set For Wednesday
The funeral will be held at 2 P. M., Wednesday, November 28,from the late home in Chicora. The services will be in charge of A. G.Reed Post No. 105, G. A. R., of Butler."
4) Butler Eagle, Butler County, PA, November 15, 1993:
"CIVIL WAR VET FRANK MILLS HONORED, by Emily Tipping, Eagle StaffWriter"
See article in MILLS file. (Article is about the rededicationof Frank Mills' grave.)
5) 1880 Census, Donegal Township, Butler Co., PA
Enumeration District 39, June 21, 1880
Book 1, Page 186b
Mills, F. W., Self, M, W, 34, NY, NY, NY, Oil Pumper
Sarah, Wife, F, W, 24, PA, PA, PA, House Keeping
6) 1900 U.S. Census, Millerstown Borough (now Chicora), Butler Co., PA,enumerated on June 08, 1900, Dwelling # 177, Family # 178:
(Frank W. Mills is listed as a "Constable")
MILLS, Frank W., Head, b. Aug 1845, age 54, m. 26 yrs. NY,NY, NY
Sarah ?, Wife, b. Dec 1859, age 42, m. 26 yrs.PA, NY, PA
Maud F., Dau., b. Sep 1880, age 19,PA, NY, PA
May A., Dau., b. Dec 1882, age 17,PA, NY, PA
Agnes F., Dau., b. Mar 1885, age 15,PA, NY, PA
Gussie, Dau., b. Jun 1887, age 12,PA, NY, PA
Sarah, Dau., b. Mar 1889, age 11,PA, NY, PA
Mary, Dau., b. Mar 1889, age 11,PA, NY, PA
Esther, Dau., b. Feb 1892, age 08,PA, NY, PA
William Mc., Son, b. Dec 1896, age 03,PA, NY, PA
7) 1910 Pennsylvania Census, Enumeration District 0097, House 0129
MILLS, Frank W., Head, 67 years, Born: Butler Co., PA
Sara, Wife, 55 PA
Maude F., Dau., 28 PA
May A., Dau., 26 PA
Agnes F., Dau., 24 PA
Gussie, Dau., 22 PA
Mary A., Dau., 19 PA
Sara L., Dau., 19 PA
William, Son, 17 PA
Esther P., Dau., 13 PA
(Birth state for Frank Mills is incorrect. He was born in NY)
8) Biography and Genealogy Master Index (BGMI)
Mills, Frank W. 1845-1923
Medal of Honor Recipients, 1863-1994. Two volumes. Compiled byGeorge Lang, Raymond L. Collins, and Gerard F. White. New York: Facts ofFile, 1995.
"FRANK W. MILLS, aged 78, a Civil war veteran and retired oilproducer of Chicora, died at 3:40 yesterday afternoon in the AlleghenyGeneral hospital after a lingering illness. He had been in declininghealth for a year. Mr. Mills had a distinguished record as a soldier inthe Civil war and was the only veteran in Butler county to hold a medalfor gallantry in action. awarded by congress. Mr. Mills was born inOrange county, N.Y., August 5, 1845. At the beginning of the war heenlisted in Company C, First Regiment, New York Rifles, and served duringthe entire period of the war. His final discharge was dated November 29,1865. He was awarded a medal by congress for distinguished gallantry inaction at Sandy Cross Roads, N.C., September 4, 1862, when he came incontact with the enemy while leading a scouting expedition, and chargedthem without orders. The entire troop followed. The whole force of theenemy, 120 men, was captured. Mr. Mills was a sergeant of the troop atthe time. Located Near (sic) Chicora. After the war Mr. Mills came toButler county and located in the Chicora district at the beginning of theoil development in that locality. He had been a producer and a pumper inthe Butler county fields until he retired. He was a member of A.G. ReedPost G.A.R. of Butler, and an honorary member of Joseph P. Black Post,Veterans of Foreign Wars. His wife Sarah McFarland Mills, died February19, 1923. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Kenneth McCollough ofButler, Mrs. A.A. Hock (sic) Jr. of Chicora, Mrs. Paul Mackey ofPittsburgh, Miss Agnes Mills of Pittsburgh, and Miss Mae Mills at home;also two sons, Frank W. Mills Jr., an officer in the quartermaster'sdepartment of the Regular army, stationed at Manila, Phillipine Islands,and William M. Mills of Pittsburgh. A sister and two brothers alsosurvive; Mrs. Phoebe Sergant of Woodbury Falls, N.Y., Whitney Mills ofChicago, Ill., and Charles Mills of Parkersburg, W. Va. Funeral Set forWednesday. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, November 28,form (sic) the late home in Chicora. The services will be in charge ofA.G. Reed Post No. 105, G.A.R., of Butler."
10) From Paul Watkins - from Butler Co., PA Orphans Court:
A) Christley Atty/In repetition for appointment of a guardian forthe minor children of E. Watkins, deceased
No. 10
Clerk Carryobell pd $2.00
To the honorable John M Greer, Judge of the several courts ofButler Country, PA
The petition of John Watkins, Benjamin Watkins and BlancheWatkins, all minor children of E. Watkins deceased, respectfullyrepresent, that they are about 19, 17 and 15 years of age beginningat the oldest in the order above named, and that they with their twoolder sisters, Lizzie and Jennie, who are of age are the owner of acertain house and lot in the borough of Chicora, Butler County, PA.
That as the same is unproductive and dilapidated they are desirousof selling the same, but have no one duly qualified to act for them,and are desirous to have this Honorable Court appoint Frank W Millsas guardian of the subscribers, your petitioners for that purpose.
They therefore ask this court to appoint said Frank W Mills,guardian for this purpose and they will ever pray.
Blanche D Watkins
John E Watkins
Benjamin James Watkins
May 23, 1901 verified by affidavid and signed by Benjamin JamesWatkins
Decree of Court
B) May 25, 1901
The above petition present in court, read and considered andthe court hereby grant the prayer therof, and herby appoint the saidFrank W Mills guardian of the person and estate of Blanche D Watkins,John E Watkins and Benjamin J Watkins and direct that he give bond inthe sum of $100.00 in each case by the court.
C) May 25, 1901
Bond of Frank W Mills, with JR _________ and S James Dodds assurities in sum of 100.00 approved by the court and filed.
D) Christley (Atty)
In re petition of FW Mills, Guardian of minor children of EWatkins, deceased, for leave to sell real estate.
To the Honorable John M. Greer, Judge of the Orphans Court ofButler County, Pa.
The petition of F. W. Mills of Chicora, Pa, most respectfullyrepresents that he has been appointed guardian by this Honorable courtof the person and estate of Blanch D. Watkins, John E. Watkinsand Benjamin James Watkins, aged 19, 17 and 15 years respectively: thatthe said three wards have two older sisters who are now of full age. visElizabeth Watkins, now intermarried with C. A. Wise and JennieWatkins.
That one Sarah E. McFarland the grandmother of the said partiesnamed, has raised the family thus far, and is still clothing, caringfor, and looking after the said minors, and that the said grandmotherhas moved to New Castle to keep house for John Watkins and Ben Watkinswho are there working, and the other ward, vis Blanche Watkins is inTitusville going to school.
Your petitioner further showeth that the said Watkins children,vis Elizabeth Watkins, married to C.A. Wise and Jennie Watkins each oflawful age have joined in a deed to their grandmother, Sarah EMcFarland for a consideration of one dollar and other good andsufficient considerations for the conveyance to their said grandmother ofa certain house and lot in the borough of Millerstown, being in thecounty of Butler, valued at about $300, and that the said minorsrepresented by your petitioner as guardian, have also joined in the saiddeed and have acknowledged the same, not knowing they could not soconvey the title.
He further states that the property in Chicora is old anddilapadated, the house not having been occupied for about 4 years, andin great need of repair, and that the wards want their grandmother,Sarah E. McFarland to have the same for the expense their grandmotherhas ben at for them her grandchildren in faising and clothing andschooling them in the past, which is worth money, confirm the same,said deed bearing date May 4th, 1901, and that this petition and orderof court on same be attached to, and made a part of the said deed. Andhe will ever pray.
Frank W. Mills
May 24, 1901 Verified by Affidavit and signed by
Frank W Mills
E) Order of court: May 25th, 1901:
the above petition of Frank W Mills, Guardian of blancheWatkins, John E Watkins and Benjamin J. Watkins minor Children of E.Watkins presented and read and upon due consideration the courtbeing convinced that the services of the said Sarah E. McFarland hasbeen worth to the said minors more than the value of the said lot ofground and house in Chicora, Pa and that the best interests of thesaid wards will be subserved and promoted by their grandmother stilllooking after them, grant the wish of the said wards as evidenced bytheir signing a deed to their grandmother for said lot, as well as theprayer of the said petitioner F. W. Mills, Guardian of the said wardsand the said guardian is hereby empowered and directed to join in thesaid deed made by the heirs of E. Watkins, deceased, to Sarah E.McFarland dated May 4th 1901. (m____ p______) for the three wards herepresents and the said deed is herby approved and the said actionconfirmed.
By the Court


Source: #S416
Note: Certificate of Death - Frank W. Mills.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Dept. of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
File # illegible
Registered No. 9468
Registered November 26, 1923
Text: City of Pittlburgh, Allegehany Co., PA, USA
Allegheny General Hospital
Frank Mills
Male, White, Widower
Wife: Sarah McFarland Mills
DOB August 05, 1845
Age at death: 78 yrs., 3 mos, 20 days.
Occupation: Retired Politician
Birth Place: Orange County, NY, USA
Father: William F. Mills
Birthplace: Orange Co., NY, USA
Mother maiden name: Mary Fullerton
Birthplace: Orange Co., NY, USA
Source: #S417
Text: Schedule No. 1 - Population
State: Pennsylvania
County: Butler
Township or other division of county: Millerstown Borough
Enumerated June 8, 1900
Source: #S418
Source: #S419
Source: #S420
Source: #S421
Page: Page 186A
Text: See "Notes" for Frank W. Mills
Source: #S422
Text: See "Notes" for William Franklin "Frank" Mills
Source S416
Title: Certificate of Death - Frank W. Mills, Commonwealth of PA
Source S417
Title: 1900 Federal Census - Millerstown Borough Family of Frank Mills
Source S418
Title: Obituary - of Frank W. Mills - Butler, PA, Monday, November 26, 1923
Source S419
Title: 1910 Pennslyvania Census - Frank W. Mills, Head of Household
Source S420
Title: History of Orange County New York 1683-1881 - First Mounted Rifles - Co. C. - Frank Mills
Source S421
Title: 1880 US Census Donegal, Butler Co., PA - Frank W. Mills Family
Source S422
Title: Appointment of Frank W. Mills as Guardian of minor children of Evan Watkins - sent by Paul Watkins
Source S423
Repository: #REPO2
Title: "A Detailed View of Butler County Cemeteries", Vol. 1
Note: Source Media Type: Book
Repository REPO2


  • Information from the import of Watkins.ged on 04 April 2011. Prior to import, this record was last changed 18:18:37 29 Mar 2003.

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