Category: Granville Monthly Meeting, Granville, New York

Categories: Quaker Meetings, New York | Granville, New York

The Danby Monthly Meeting was established in 1795, set off from the Saratoga (Easton) Monthly Meeting. It was a part of the Saratoga (later Easton) Quarterly Meeting until the Ferrisburg Quarterly was established in 1810, and was set off to the Easton Quarterly in 1816. The Orthodox branch of the Danby Monthly Meeting changed its name to Granville in 1839; it was laid down in 1857 and members were attached to the Queensbury Monthly Meeting. The Hicksite branch of the Danby Monthly Meeting changed its name to Granville Monthly in 1877; it was laid down in 1924, with members attached to the Easton Monthly Meeting. The Hicksite meeting was held only at the Granville meeting house after 1872.

Person Profiles (2)

26 Nov 1768 Nantucket, Massachusetts Bay - 15 Dec 1854
15 Jan 1766 Pembroke, Plymouth, Massachusetts - 01 May 1849

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