Alex Howlett's Contribution Feed

Here are Alex Howlett's 3 contributions. Help

Would you like to thank Alex for helping with our mission to connect the human family on one tree? Click thank-you links by any particularly valuable contributions below. If Alex made helpful contributions to his own family history award him a Family Star. If Alex has helped you or someone else, award him a Generous Genealogist Star.

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29 Jul 2019
01:17: Alex Howlett added the DNA Tested badge for Alex Howlett. [Thank Alex for this | 1 thank-you received] 01:14: Alex Howlett edited the data for Alex Howlett. [Thank Alex for this] 01:09: Alex Howlett edited the Primary Photo for Alex Howlett. [Thank Alex for this] Howlett-986.png01:09: Alex Howlett uploaded Howlett-986.png for Alex Howlett.
[Thank Alex for this]

H  >  Howlett  >  Alex Howlett