Category: Wars

Categories: Military History

Parallel category hierarchies in other languages (en): en | fr |

War is a state of whole-society open armed military conflict, as between nations. War can also be a euphemism for a less violent ongoing conflict in which an entire society is on one side of whatever is being opposed, as in a cyberwar, a trade war, a war on poverty, a war on drugs. The purpose of this category is to cover the armed military conflicts between nations.

Warfare is a vast subject area, through all human time periods. For a full category catalog of the post-BCE wars through the centuries, choose the time period, beginning with the first millennium:

Category Help

How to create a new <war>

This category is managed by the Military and War Project in association with the Categorization Project. For assistance with this or related categories ask in G2G making sure to tag your question with both categorization and Military_and_War.

Subcategories (20)

Pages (1)

This page was last modified 14:17, 10 January 2021. This page has been accessed 9,416 times.