Category: Tennessee Project Maintenance Categories

Categories: United States Project Maintenance Categories | Tennessee Project | Tennessee

This is a high level category. Please do not add individual profiles. Add profiles to the narrowest category possible. See How to Categorize.

Currently (5 February 2024), only two of the subcategories are "needs" categories managed by the Tennessee Project. They are intended to include only Tennessee Project-Managed profiles: Needs LNAB and Needs Paraphrasing.

The other categories are included here for convenience, but are within other categorization hierarchies (such as the Profile Improvement Project's "Tennessee, Needs Birth Record" category). They include profiles for anyone connected to Tennessee that someone has added a template or category to (e.g., {{Unsourced|Tennessee}} & "needs" maintenance categories by location, such as Category: Tennessee, Needs Profiles Created).

Subcategories (12)

This page was last modified 17:22, 5 February 2024. This page has been accessed 488 times.