Will someone please assist me?

+2 votes
He is,supposedly, my fourteenth great grandfather. This would be through my grandmother,Nellie (Moore)Rankin.
WikiTree profile: Morgan ap Jenkin
in Genealogy Help by Howard Rankin G2G6 Mach 4 (40.7k points)

Hi Howard! It's been a while, but I've done some work on that profile - my 14th gr-grand also. What help with Morgan ap Jenkin do you need?

Basically, I would love to know how in the world am I his descendant? If I am really his descendant, that makes you my cousin.

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Hi! You posted to Morgan's profile & sent me a private message saying it's certain you're a descendant of Morgan. However, I think that might be premature. The path to Morgan that WikiTree shows for you includes an Uncertain connection. You should probably start there... the uncertain connection of William https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Rhys-23 as a son of https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Ap_Gruffydd-42 (nothing in any of the profiles - his or attached profiles for father/mother/duplicate profile - say that Rhys had a son named William).

The sources for Morgan ap Jenkin's profile might not be much help in trying to confirm the William/Rhys connection, since Morgan was born about 1400 and William’s profile says he was born 1522. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Rhys-23 has an Ancestry link that may or may not be helpful (it’s behind a pay wall; I’m not a member).

Good luck with your research!

Cheers, Liz

by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (642k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
I am going to check all the sources that are attached to each profile. If all the sources verify each relationship, then I will check each individual as confirmed and confident. I believe that it is just a matter the profile manager not knowing there is a confident button. When I started adding my family tree on Wikitree,I  didn't know there is a confident button and unconfident button.

Please be cautious about selecting "Confident".* In the case of Rhys-23 & ap Gruffudd-42, there is not a reliable source given to support that William son of Rhys existed. (An Ancestry link is not a source, much less a reliable one - see the pages [here] for links to Reliable Sources pages; see also [this page] for pre-1500 resources).

Also, I believe the selection of Uncertain for William's parents was intentional (please see [this discussion] about William ap Rhys).

Cheers, Liz

* Once a selection is made, it cannot be "unselected", only changed. For example, many profiles managed by the Magna Carta Project show "Confident" based solely on Richardson's works, although the Project currently requires primary proof before initially selecting "Confident" for a parent/child relationship.

I am talking about finding official documents, such as church records, tax lists and hopefully birth and death records.
+3 votes

Hello Howard.

Exactly, as you say

Morgan is the 14th great grandfather of Howard (Uncertain)

through your grandmother Nellie.

by Rubén Hernández G2G6 Pilot (834k points)
How did Wikitree and Family Search come up with this?
It could really be an uncertain ancestry.  It could be a matter of not hitting the certain button,also.
Every generation between me and Morgan Ap Jenkins is well sourced except for one, which I will check it out. It appears that it is just a matter of the profile manager not hitting the certain button on each ancestor and family members.

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