Would you like to join a new project, "Colonial Colonies"?

+2 votes
I'm Robert Jeffrey and have been unable to trace back to the 4 brothers who landed or entered New Jersey circa 1740.  Lot of vacant information and I have come in contact with many members who are doing the same as I.  So come join me and I hope someone out their has our answers.
in The Tree House by Robert Jeffrey G2G Crew (740 points)
retagged by Abby Glann
Isn't "Colonial Colonies" redundant, as "colonial" is an adjective for things that happen in colonies?
Yes I thought of that Robin, as I did I removed Colonies, then Colonial.  Using Middle Colonies, New England Colonies or Southern Colonies just didn't work since my ancestors are from all Colonies.  I thought of Colonial America but thought that would be too broad.  I would enlist your ideas as to what to call the project and add Tags below.  Maybe that would be better, Colonial America and then make tags for the three groups and identify names that go with them.  New at this and hope it doesn't absorb more time than I have.

3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

The heading of your post states, "Would you like to join " as if this is an existing project but I assume you are proposing the creation of a new project ?

More info on creating new projects can be found at Starting a project

"Colonial Colonies" seems to be a bit broad since many countries had colonial colonies.  Does this mean just the American colonies or is it more inclusive ?  It would also seem that this project would overlap the areas covered by other Wikitree projects.  What would this project cover that is not already covered by an existing project ?

by David Douglass G2G6 Pilot (128k points)
selected by Robert Jeffrey
David you are so right.  It is a proposal.  I was following the instructions you provided and I viewed some other projects, I have a long way to go in order to create a project.  However this is a proposal and the title is too broad and I wanted to modify it but haven't figured out how to get back to it.  It says I'm a rookie.  Its possible that I should join other projects vice create my own.

There are other projects and comments I would like to make on others but haven't figured out how to do it nor join or add the stamps.

Yes I would think there is an overlap with other projects so maybe I need some further thought provoking ideas.  I wanted to be specific to the Jeffrey family connections.  Meanwhile there are connections to other projects.  Like William Penn and Early Pennsylvania Settlers, New Jersey, I added a name that was in my tree that was already attached to a project for the Oregon Trail.

Your assistance or others who can help I would appreciate it.  

+4 votes

Hi Robert,  There are a few Jeffreys that died in NJ listed in the DAR.org database.  You might look to see if any of those names are familiar.   http://services.dar.org/Public/DAR_Research/search/?Tab_ID=1 

by Kitty Smith G2G6 Pilot (653k points)
Thank you, yes I have checked there most are with the name Jeffery.  Although there are several Jeffrey's that were a part of the revolution.  My problem has been making the necessary connection.
+5 votes

Hi Robert

We have a project for New Jersey as part of the US history project! Just add NEW_JERSEY to your followed tags to join and use that tag in any question about researching people in NJ. Check out the sources/research guide here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Sources-New_Jersey

What are your ancestors’ profile numbers? Or you can DM me directly if you prefer. 

by H Husted G2G6 Mach 8 (83.8k points)
1010 - set up for me.  The ones where the information becomes sketchy is on (298, 1032, 1033, 1034 are brothers) son of 1020 (1020, 1022,1023, 1024. 1025), are sons of of 1021,who apparently came with four of the sons while 1025 remaned behind likelty to stay with his mother or care for any additional siblings.   Arriving in NJ between 1740 - 1750 with his four sons in Monmouth County is unclear to determine where, and what are the affiliations with the Jeffrey names already present.

Seems I have a DNA match to 1395 but like me dead ends at the same place.  Could he be of 1022,23, 24 or 25?

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