Maori does not come up for a language option?

+8 votes
Hi - postings on profiles absolutely do not move on if there is not a birth date included? It is difficult to put in a day, month and year when one is not at all sure. I have tried to put 1700's but that is not accepted. I'd rather someone else who may have better information fill in those sorts of things. But as it stands it looks as though I can't update anything because of the date issue? Is this right? Thanks, Di
in Genealogy Help by Diane Gordon-Burns G2G Crew (370 points)
retagged by Maria Maxwell

3 Answers

+5 votes
Hi Diane,  Welcome to WikiTree.   I'm the leader of the New Zealand Project  and would like to help you where I can.   

I've re tagged your question so that more of our project members will  see same and hopefully assist too.    Who is it you are trying to create a profile for?  If you put e.g 1700 and click on the "about/uncertain" button the system should let you proceed.    You should then add {{Estimated Date}} to the bio.   

Re the language option  problem  - can you let me know where this is occurring.   Is it entering "surname" e.g.    If you prefer you can send me a private message via my profile.   Just click on my name below and that will take you to it.

I'd also like to invite you to join the New Zealand Project and help us develop what we have.
by Maria Maxwell G2G6 Pilot (191k points)
I would imagine if there is a maori language option that it possibly would be best to go under 'te reo maori' as a language option rather than Maori as te reo maori is the official term used.
+6 votes

Kia ora Diane, 

Did I write to you before about Kenehuru aka. Eliza Meurant.  There are dates for her, she had a church wedding down in Kawhia, Waiharakeke.  There is material in the AJHR about her relating to some land in Auckland.  

Most of all, I was pleased to see this post re: addition of Te Reo Maori as a language option, which was something definnitely on my mind. heart

I hope its okay in the view of Wikitree leaders that I want to make a new post about this topic, because my tags will be different and theres a few other things I'd like to say. 

Mauri Ora! smiley 


by Pare Chase G2G6 Mach 1 (14.0k points)
The Language setting only controls the place-name auto-complete.

Eg if you set it to French and then type Rio in the birthplace, it'll show you "Rio de Janeiro, Brésil" instead of Brazil.

The list of languages is only the languages that they've translated the placename list into.  When the LDS people have translated their worldwide placename list into Maori, it'll appear as an option.

Thanks for that R.J.Horace smiley #Informed

+3 votes
You need to have the absolute minimum of a year of birth or death as well as the first name, surname, gender and one source in order to create a profile.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
How then does one cope when only one name is in use for an individual? not every culture subscribed to the "family name" system in the past.
Valerie: Plenty of discussion on that topic in earlier G2G posts.

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