Missouri school photo from 1919 with all children's names

+6 votes

The one-room school house in Centerville, Missouri in 1919: My cousin has a photograph which has her grandmother in it, but also it has all the names of the other children and the teacher.  My cousin and I thought that probably someone would value the information, so we thought of mentioning it here.  

What do you think is the best thing we can do with it (aside from building profiles for all the children, which i am probably not going to get around to doing)?

Here are the names, typed out by my cousin from the handwriting on the back of the picture: 

YEAR 1919



 Pearl Ruppert                                                            

Eva Brown

Lula (Lois) Scott                                                             

Iris Nowell

Anna Scott                                                                       Marie Scott

Fred Zoucha                                                                     Melva Scott

Margaret Miller                                                               

Edith Grainger

Miss Anderson (teacher)                                                 Bessie Miller

Mr. Curtis (teacher)                                                         

Silva Taggert

Miss Nellie Wells -passed away                                      Ralph Snyder -died    Freshman

Erma McMahon                                                              

Floyd Utt

Clem Clark

Thennie (?)

John Poage

Robert Whitsett


Bess Taggert

Ralph Thomas

Onna Utt

Vel McMahon

Frank Jarvis                                                 



in The Tree House by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (290k points)

3 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
You can create a free-space profile of the photo. If you can scan the photo and post it to the free-space and add the list of names, then categorize the page to [[Category:Centerville, Missouri]] and categorize the school [[Category:Centerville High School, Centerville, Missouri]].
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
selected by Shirlea Smith
Nice job, Shirlea!
+5 votes

I would want a copy of it to post on at least one profile here - your cousin's grandmother (your great aunt?). I would probably then to a search to see if any others had existing profiles on WT, and connect them, if any, to the photo. Like you, I would be unlikely to create profiles for any of them.

I have such a photo of my mother probably age 6 or 7 circa 1919, with all the children identified. I honestly hadn't thought of posting it here, although it's a terrific idea. Now I have to follow through, myself!

P.S. -- Mom's photo is also from Missouri - Crocker, in Pulaski County.

by Jim Parish G2G6 Pilot (176k points)
Thanks Jim!  My cousin's grandmother is on the other side of her family, but it turns out my cousin had created a profile for her here, so i linked it.
Excellent, Shirlea! That photo looks like a copy of my mom's photo - except that in hers, all the kids are elementary school age!
+5 votes

I did this
Malmö seminarium 1914-1915
for the "school photo" of my grandmother's class at the teacher seminar. I could probably track a few more of the staff and make them profiles, but the missing students have just too common names.

by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (583k points)
What a great photo, Eva. You should add the location category so it is found more easily. :-)
Eva, you have a lot more energy than I do, creating all those profiles!

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