Category: Posen, Prussia

Categories: Poland Project | Poland, Maintenance Categories | Prussia

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Name: Posen, Prussia
Timeframe:(1815 - 1918)
Wikipedia/WikiData:English wikipedia Q635253
Web page:JewishGen Communities Database
Project / Team:Poland / Prussia Team
See also:Ask questions in G2G using the tags Poland and Prussia and Categorization
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Poland Project
Subcategories for counties & villages in historical Prussia WILL ONLY be created for areas situated in present day Poland. Counties & villages situated in present day Germany will follow the Germany Project's categorization protocol.

Wikitree's categorization of Prussia (in present day Poland) is based off the year 1900.

  • 1815-1945: Province of Posen. The Province of Posen (German: Provinz Posen, Polish: Prowincja Poznańska) was a province of Prussia from 1815 and as such part of the German Empire from 1871 until 1918.
  • 1918-1939: Second Polish Republic.
  • 1939-1945: Some districts of the former province of Posen later became part of the Reichsgau Wartheland during the Nazi German occupation of Poland from 1939 to 1945. By the time World War II ended in May 1945, it had been overrun by the Red Army. In 1945, following Germany's defeat in World War II, Stalin's demanded all of the German territory east of the newly established Oder–Neisse line of the Potsdam Agreement was either turned over to Poland or the Soviet Union. As a result, all historical parts of the province came under Polish control.


Subcategories (82)

This page was last modified 01:55, 7 March 2024. This page has been accessed 1,105 times.