Category: Polish Forced Conscripts, German Armed Forces, World War II

Categories: Germany, World War II | Polish History | Poland, World War II

"When Germany began losing the war 1943, the Wehrmacht forcibly conscripted ethnic Poles, who were commanded with racist[1] policies against them."

"Nazi Germany defined Poland's ethnic German minority as racially superior Volksdeutche and ethnic Poles as subhuman. In addition to murdering 3 million Polish Jews in the Shoah, Germany carried out genocide against the ethnic Poles; at least 1.9 million were murdered, especially those in influential and leadership roles, while the rest were exploited for their labour, including in the military."[2]

Person Profiles (2)

23 Aug 1898 Lubna, Konitz, Westpreußen, Preußen - 09 May 1946
13 May 1924 Bydgoszcz, Poland - 25 Jan 1988 photo

This page was last modified 17:28, 19 November 2023. This page has been accessed 65 times.